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A New Government Center


An Unsolicited Proposal
and a truth about architecture

In 2024, my local county government received an “unsolicited proposal” from a local, builder-led design-build team to construct a new government center, to replace their current assemblage of residential scaled buildings. As is required, the county requested competing proposals. Only one other design-build team  responded, not a surprise since such builder-architect marriages are usually made by shotgun.  Thus, the commission was awarded to the original proposer without the benefits of the traditional architect  selection process and design-bid-build process.


A friend and past client, Chris Henderson -- himself active in local government -- got a look at the conceptual design and was disappointed.  So much so, that he asked if I could develop an alternate concept that was in keeping with our shared vision for a county steeped in history, forging a dynamic and principled future.  Following is that alternative, an unsolicited proposal to an unsolicited proposal.

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